org-captureのテンプレート ver. 2021


個人メモは1ファイルに書き連ねていくよりも org-journal で日々書き捨て、読み返したいものだけ(個人&パブリック)ブログにエクスポート方式の相性が良かったので、org-capture templateもその日のjournalに吐き出すものが多い。

(defun ladicle/get-today-diary ()
      (concat org-journal-dir
              (format-time-string "" (current-time))))

(setq org-capture-templates
  '(("t" "Write down the thoughts of this moment with a timestamp." entry (file+headline ladicle/get-today-diary "Log") "* %T %^{Tweet}" :immediate-finish t)
    ("e" "Add event to the today's journal file." entry (file+headline ladicle/get-today-diary "Events") "* %^T %^{Title}" :immediate-finish t)
    ("h" "Create a private blog post to the today's journal file." entry (file+headline ladicle/get-today-diary "Memo") "%[~/Dropbox/org/capture_templates/]" :jump-to-captured t)
    ("i" "Add a task to inbox." entry (file+headline task-file "Inbox") "* TODO %^{Action}")
    ("a" "Add a task to the today's journal." entry (file+headline ladicle/get-today-diary "Tasks") "* TODO %^{Action}\nSCHEDULED: %t\n" :immediate-finish t)
    ("b" "Add a new book." entry (file "~/Dropbox/org/") "%[~/Dropbox/org/capture_templates/]" :jump-to-captured t)
    ("p" "Add a new project." entry (file "~/Dropbox/org/") "%[~/Dropbox/org/capture_templates/]" :jump-to-captured t)
    ("1" "Look back monthly work." entry (file+headline ladicle/get-today-diary "Memo") "%[~/Dropbox/org/capture_templates/]" :immediate-finish t :jump-to-captured t)
    ("Q" "Look back quarter work." entry (file+headline ladicle/get-today-diary "Memo") "%[~/Dropbox/org/capture_templates/]" :immediate-finish t :jump-to-captured t)
    ("c" "Store the code-reading notes with GitHub and file links of the current cursor position." plain (function org-coding-capture--find-store-point) "%^{Summary}\n%(with-current-buffer (org-capture-get :original-buffer) (browse-at-remote-get-url))\n# %a\n" :immediate-finish t)
    ("j" "Immediately store code info about current cursor position." plain (function org-coding-capture--find-store-point) "%(with-current-buffer (org-capture-get :original-buffer) (browse-at-remote-get-url))\n# %a\n" :immediate-finish t)
Code 1: 現在のorg-captureテンプレート

前はtemplateをベタ書きしていたけどメンテしづらいのでファイルに落として %[PATH/TO/THE/FILE] で読み込む方式に変更した。便利。 例えば、上のCapture(h)の個人ブログのテンプレートはこんな感じ。

* %?
  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: %<%Y%m%d_%H%M%S>
Code 2: capture_templatesの

Capture(c / j)など、標準関数だけでは指定できないtargetは function 使って定義している。これは以前に記事を書いているので コードリーティングの記録とOrg Capture 参照。


